A Resurrection
Whilst our many initiatives and programs are designed to help protect our waters in their current state, those programs alone can only ever be fire fighting measures if we as humans continue to treat the oceans in the way we currently do.
For any real recovery to take place we need to set aside areas of the oceans where humans completely cease to carry out fishing operations, where the dumping of rubbish into the ocean is treated as a criminal matter that is actively investigated and prosecuted with prison sentences and heavy fines, and where the ocean and its inhabitants are at all times treated as land owners.
This may seem like a drastic measure, and it is, but - as has already been proven in other areas of the ocean that have been designated marine sanctuaries - when the oceans are allowed to exist without human interference they can rebound and replenish at an astonishing rate.
This re-wilding of the oceans can lead to incredible benefits for humans with everything from tourism to day to day quality of life prospering and as islanders - who are never more than a couple of miles from the ocean at any time - we stand to gain far more than our landlocked cousins.
Imagine the beauty of seeing whales breaching out at sea as you wander along the beaches.
Imagine the excitement of standing in the shallows as shoals of fish dart about just offshore.
Imagine taking a long deep breath of healthy ocean air every time you step outside.
As the human world continues on along its current path, these protective measures will offer us a quality of life seldom matched by other locations, making our islands not only a healthier, more pleasant place to live but also a world leader in the preservation of nature that we must, as a species, undertake unless we want to assure our own destruction.
ARK BLUE is our eventual goal here at The Ghost Seas Project, a goal we will push tirelessly to make a reality and a goal that will always drive our every decision.
An oasis in a desert of ocean that allows nature protection, in order that it can help replenish, revive and reignite the rest of the planet’s waters.
Join us in the fight to save our oceanic waters
“Water and air, the two essential fluids on which all life depends, have become global garbage cans”