Action requires funding, we wish that wasn’t the case but supplies are needed, time & expertise is required & none of it comes for free. If you want to help keep us at the forefront of ocean protection in the waters that directly affect you & your home then even the smallest donation you can spare can go a long way. As a non profit you can be sure that every single penny donated goes straight back into ocean protection related projects and programs.
Whilst all monetary donations are gratefully received we understand that charities have a somewhat spotty history & reputation for misappropriation of funds & so if you would rather donate in a way that guarantees your money is being spent on supplies & not filtered into someone’s pocket, we have an Amazon Wishlist available at
For those who would like to keep their donations entirely local from start to finish you can purchase gift cards from Freedom Surf Shop at L'Islet Cross Roads, where they very kindly allow us to purchase equipment at cost price, extending the value of your donation! These can be left at the shop at the time of purchase.
Add your voice
There are all sorts of ways that you can help us with our mission (see the help us section) but the easiest way is to add your voice to one of our campaigns. Sign up below & you’ll receive an emailed call to action whenever we begin a new project, giving you the chance to add your support to our actions. The weight of public opinion carries a huge influence when we meet with governing bodies & so every voice counts.
Help us to let those in power see just how many islanders are dedicated to the protection of our oceanic waters so that unregulated commerce, shortsighted decision making & blatant exploitation is no longer allowed to go unchecked.
We are always grateful for those who help us out by volunteering for our projects but to ensure everyone is kept safe we do require you to sign an insurance disclaimer before you get involved. To complete this essential paperwork please click the "Volunteer" button below.
Become a member
Membership allows those with an interest in The Ghost Seas Project to make a time & a financial commitment to the project by way of a monthly payment. For some, becoming a "Support Division" member allows them to become a financial backer in lieu of physical activity & for others a smaller financial commitment is traded for becoming a more active participant. Either commitment allows members to vote on upcoming projects & "Core Division" members to train & operate watercraft, research tools & vehicles with our founders. To learn more, & sign up for membership please click the "Become a Member" button below.
Join us in the fight to save our oceanic waters

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.