“We must begin seeing other creatures as equal. Existence makes us all equal.”
Local Species listing by Vulnerability as of 2020
The listings below shows the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (ICUN) status of all species which are known, from confirmed sightings or catch, to either reside, visit or have visited local waters. The coloured lettering of each species shows its approximate status within Channel Island’s waters ie. how often it is likely to be visiting/found in our waters.
When both of these listings are compared in this way it is much easier to understand that -whilst a large number of potential species CAN/HAVE been found in Channel Island’s waters - the numbers of species present at any one time is drastically lower than one set of data in isolation would often suggest. As many of these seasonal visitors come to our waters during the months when humans are also most active in the oceans they should not be considered necessarily indicative of healthy or abundant stocks on a year round basis.
NOTE: Species shown in YELLOW with black outline are unverified reports and should be taken as speculative at best.

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