“If you want to build a ship, don't drum up people to collect wood and don't assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea”
There are plenty of ways you can help us
We understand that everyone has busy lives & that not everyone is able to free up time to engage in physical action as part of one of our teams. For those who are able to help in a monetary - rather than a physical way - all donations to our cause are greatly received.
You can donate here.
Volunteer (CI residents)
We run weekly projects & programs that are always in need of additional help from local residents & publish these here & on our Facebook page & Instagram.
Anyone is welcome to join us but please sign up first to ensure you are covered for any injuries that may arise from this sometimes physical work.
Volunteer (OS residents)
We have some exciting plans in the pipeline to house & utilise overseas volunteers for our local projects - as well as helping you to enjoy the stunning ocean activities the islands afford us - & hope to make these available very soon.
To express an interest in working with The Ghost Seas Project as part of your volunteering activities please email us at theghostseasproject@gmail.com
Experience the ocean with us
Not everyone has been lucky enough to have been exposed to the ocean as much as we have, but that is something we want to change. So on an ad-hoc basis we aim to run an “introduction to the ocean for beginners” activity & would love to have you join us.
Activities cover everything from snorkelling, to sailing, stand up paddle boarding to marine mammal observations, all backed up with some ocean related education & are completely free for you to enjoy.
You can see the next available activity on our Facebook page & sign up there to guarantee your space.
Add your voice
Much of our most important work happens away from the ocean, in meeting rooms & government buildings. It is here we fight for the protection of the marine environment by providing independent reviews & counter proposals to oppose state or privately funded projects that adversely affect the ocean waters around our islands.
By adding your voice to our oppositions you can help us show the weight of public opposition to these projects & demonstrate to those in power that the health of the marine environment in the Channel Islands is not only important to the island’s residents but also recognised as imperative for the future of our species.
Yes we are mentioning this twice, but it is impossible to overstate the need for donations to help keep us working for the health of the oceans. Your donations will help finance everything from marketing campaigns to raise public awareness of current legal fights, removal & disposal of marine waste, creating educational video content, to putting our team members out there in/on the water protecting our very special marine mammals, fish stocks & seabird populations.
As a group we can only do so much with physical activity alone & so any additional money that you can spare can help keep us operational & fighting.
You can donate here.
Join us in the fight to save our oceanic waters

“At sea, I learned how little a person needs, not how much”